Labour's Data Use and Access Bill will take away controls we have over our data and hand more power to government bodies and corporations. We'll be vulnerable to our data being used against us and less able to do anything about it.
The Data Grab Bill will:
1. Move us away from the standards of data protection we enjoyed under the EU GDPR model.
2. Reduce safeguards that protect us from dodgy automated algorithmic decision-making. Placing our futures in the hands of US AI companies.
3. Give Ministers, and any future wannabe dictator 'Henry VIII' powers to define how data can be used without getting proper scrutiny from parliament.
4. Remove the police's requirement to record why they are accessing someone's record. Enabling corrupt coppers to snoop on murder or rape victims, and look up addresses as they please.
5. Give Minister powers to pack the ICO with their cronies.
Write to your MP today and tell them to stop aligning our data protection rules with the interests of powerful corporations and snooping officials.