Ask your candidates to back digital rights

As the General Election approaches, your voice is more crucial than ever. We need you to join us in demanding that all candidates and political parties commit to protecting our digital rights.

In an age where AI, surveillance, and data profiling are becoming pervasive, safeguarding our digital freedoms is essential. These rights are the bedrock of our liberties in the modern world.

Take action now! Use our tool to contact your parliamentary candidates and urge them to pledge their support for digital rights in the next Parliament.

Why This Matters:

  • Protect Your Privacy: Ensure your personal data remains secure.
  • Defend Free Speech: Stand against censorship and surveillance.
  • Promote Fairness: Advocate for ethical AI and data practices.

How You Can Help:

  • Write to Your Candidates: Use our easy tool to send a message.
  • Spread the Word: Share this with friends and family.

Together, we can make a difference. Act now to protect our digital future!

Our six priorities for digital rights

Open Rights Group is calling on the next government to focus on the following six priorities for digital rights:

1. Protect our right to send secure messages

Everyone – including children and young people – should have the right to use end-to-end encryption to ensure that our communications are safe, secure and private. The next government should protect not undermine encryption.

2. Provide migrants with digital sanctuary

Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers need the same data and privacy rights as everyone else so that they can keep their digital identity and information safe. The next government should commit to ending the digital hostile environment.

3. Ban the use of pre-crime AI by the police

Predictive policing systems that use artificial intelligence (AI) to ‘predict’ criminal behaviour undermine our right to be presumed innocent and exacerbate discrimination and inequality in our criminal justice system. The next government should ban dangerous uses of AI in policing.

4. Defend our right to freedom of expression online

Freedom of expression online is being undermined by age verification, content takedowns, social media censorship and unfair copyright claims. The next government should commit to protecting our right to freedom of expression online.

5. Strengthen our data protection rights

We need strong data protection laws to make sure that governments and companies do not use our data to track, surveil and profit from us. The next government should strengthen our data protection rights and make sure that the data protection watchdog is fit for purpose.

6. End intrusive tracking by online advertisers

Advertising companies track our internet use to build detailed profiles so they can target us with adverts. The next government should restrict intrusive tracking by data brokers and online advertisers.

How we developed ORG's Digital Rights 24 Manifesto

We consulted with over 2,000 members and our advisory panel filled with experts on digital rights issues to create a Digital Rights 24 Manifesto, which we have shared with UK political parties.

We processed all the suggestions and created a short list of ideas to improve digital rights in the UK. From this, we have now created the six priority pledges above.

*Note: We are using candidate data from Democracy Club. If some candidates are missing after you enter your postcode, it’s because we don’t have their email address yet. You can assist us by contributing any missing candidate information to the Democracy Club database.